Ok Chicstars, go back a few moments in time with me... I was in the sixth grade in the
cafeteria. I remember my friends and I getting our lunch and for the first time
I really took notice of the three types of milk being offered: whole, 2%, and
fat free. Immediately I turned to my friend and said excitedly "we should
drink the fat free milk because I'm sure it's better for us!" Lol ever
since then I always find myself giving advice and tips. Wellness is a passion
of mine, I can spend hours researching, reading, and discussing health related
topics. I have never been motivated by weight because thankfully it has never
been something I've had to worry about, other than the few years in middle &
high school where I just felt skinny, tall, & lanky... Thank God that passed however,
just as I feel that inner beauty is so much more precious than physical
appearance I always strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle and educate myself
because you can be the “right” size and be extremely unhealthy. I'll have many
more posts on health but here are a few tips on what I think you should
consider when it comes to your drinking habits.
- Read your ingredients...if you do not recognize the contents DON’T drink it until you research it
- Incorporate green smoothies and fresh juices in your diet
- Avoid all drinks containing high fructose corn syrup
- Cut back, if you drink six cans of soda per week cut it in half and start drinking only three
- Always chsose 100 % juice
- The most important tip I can give you is drink more water, I know this is redundant but it is absolutely a move that will have you seeing a tremendous difference in the way you feel and your overall health the fastest. By all means get addicted to water and make it your best friend;) just drink!
Here are some great resources that will help you as you make healthier
choices cheers!
He Makes Beautiful Things,
Girl when I drink a lot of water my skin looks sexy and glowy. Even my makeup goes on better.
I completely agree...my skin is a dry mess when I'm dehydrated lol