Monday, January 28, 2013

Plums & Berries

If there is one thing that people who are friends or even just slightly acquainted with me know, is the fact that  I am just a little bit on the serious side(shhh...maybe a germaphobe) about being clean. However, unless I live in a bubble with this being the flu season and all I thought that I would use the vibrant colors of this outfit to remind everyone to eat their plums and berries to help strengthen our immune system ...since I can't walk around with a poratble sink 24hrs. These fruits are packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals. I also wore this top here...I tend to stick with fabrics that require little to no ironing:) So gobble up Chicstars and we'll beat this flu season together!!!

Pearls are a staple for me...timeless and classy
I love clutches!!! this is one of my favorite because I can stuff
 everything I own in there lol
He Makes Beautiful Things,


  1. You are absolutely correct...he does make beautiful things! You look great! I love the color blocking and the smile tops it all off!


  2. I absolutely love this look, especially the touches of blue. That clutch is awesome!

  3. Love the color combo! Great color blocking! Cute look! And thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a cool comment!

    xo, Kenya

    Kenya L Fashion Blog

  4. hmm I love the skirt Nicole! And you are giving that clutch life..would love to see it paired with a red dress!

  5. Thanks Jodi! I'll definitely dedicate then post to you when I pair it with a red dress:)
